"Eating more fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by almost a quarter," reports The Independent.
'Diabetes drug metformin could help you lose weight, say scientists who found it works better than diet and exercise at keeping the bulge off' the Mail Online reports
Going vegan "can 'significantly improve' mental health, reduce diabetes and lower weight," reports the Daily Mirror.
'Eating 3 tablespoons of walnuts a day makes you HALF as likely to develop type 2 diabetes' says the Mail Online, reporting on a study part-funded by the California Walnut Commission
'Could your toothpaste give you type 2 diabetes?' is the unusual question from the Mail Online
"New hope for type 1 diabetes," reports The Express after a study showed insulin production falls for about 7 years and then stabilises in people with type 1 diabetes.
"Diabetes is actually five separate diseases," reports BBC News on a study looking at nearly 9,000 people with diabetes in Sweden and Finland.
"Going vegan can prevent overweight adults from developing type 2 diabetes, an 'important' new study has concluded," reports the Mail Online.
"Many might think type 1 diabetes is a "disease of childhood", but research, published in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, has found it has similar prevalence in adults" BBC News reports