Medical Conditions

I have in total 1030 medical conditions

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Some Random Medical Conditions

Broken Wrist

A broken arm or wristis usually caused by a Falls onto an outstretched arm.It typically takes aboutsix toeight weeks to heal in adults, and less time in children.

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is where a growth of abnormal tissue, known as a tumour, develops in the bladder lining. In some cases, the tumour spreads into the surrounding muscles.


An amputation is the surgical removal ofpart of the body,such asan arm or leg.


Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus).

Double vision

Double vision (medically known as diplopia) is seeing two images of a single object. The two images may be one on top of the other, side by side, or a mix of both.


Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergy.


Tendons are strong bands or cords of tissue that attach muscle to bone. They help move the bones and joints when muscles contract.

Sickle cell anaemia

Sickle cell disease is the name for a group of inherited conditions that affect the red blood cells. The most serious type is called sickle cell anaemia.

Dissociative disorders

A dissociative disorder is a mental health condition thatalters a person's sense of reality.

Arterial thrombosis

Arterial thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in an artery. It's very dangerous, because it can obstruct the flow of blood to major organs.


Dengue is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes. It's widespread in many parts of the world. In most people the infection is mild and passes in about a week without causing any lasting problems. But in rare cases it can be very serious and potentially life threatening.

Heart-lung transplant

A heart-lung transplant is a major and rarely performed surgical procedure where a person's diseased heart and lungs are replaced with those of a recently deceased donor.

Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is a common problem witha number ofdifferent causes. It's often a symptom of another problem.

Rhinitis, allergic

Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of thenose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust,mould,or flakes of skin from certain animals .


A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal .


Acromegaly is a condition in which the body produces too much growth hormone, leading to the excess growth of body tissues over time.

XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)

Klinefelter syndrome (sometimes called Klinefelter's, KS or XXY) is where boys and men are born with an extra X chromosome.