"Facebook and Instagram are damaging children's mental health," reports the Sun as a new study suggests there's a link ...
"Insomnia sufferers can benefit from therapy," reports The Guardian. US and European guidelines already advise GPs to refer patients with insomnia for a ...
"Middle-aged women with waists over 35 inches have a 30% higher risk of early death," reports the Mail Online.
"Women can be assured that menstrual cups are as leakproof as tampons and pads," reports BBC News.
"Bad dementia genes can be overcome through healthy living, study finds," reports The Daily Telegraph.
Various media sources report on the worrying extent of the alcohol problem in the UK, with the BBC and the Sun reporting that 1 in 5 people in hospital beds are heavy drinkers.
"Young Brits are having less sex than a decade ago because they're too busy watching Netflix," reports the Sun. Researchers used survey data from ...
"Answer to irritable bowel syndrome is the mind, study shows," states The Telegraph. The headline is based on research conducted in ...
'Is sitting REALLY the new smoking? Alarming new research claims 70,000 deaths a year are caused by our increasingly sedentary lives' reports the Mail Online