Treating postmenopausal bleeding

Treatment depends on what is causing your bleeding.

For example, if the cause is cervical polyps, you may need to have them removed. This fairly simple procedure can be done in the specialist's office. Small forceps are used to grasp and gently twist the polyp, which usually comes off easily, and any bleeding is stopped using cautery (heat) or by applying chemicals.

Endometrial atrophy can be treated with oestrogen cream or pessaries, although treatment may not be necessary if your symptoms are minimal.

There are various types of endometrial hyperplasia which may be treated with hormone medication (tablets or an intrauterine system implant) or surgery to remove your uterus, cervix and ovaries (a total hysterectomy ). Occasionally, if the changes are mild, no treatment may be necessary.

If your bleeding is thought to be a side effect of HRT, altering or stopping the treatment may be recommended.

If you havewomb cancer,a total hysterectomy will often be recommended.


Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018