Herpes simplex eye infections
Herpes simplex eye infections don't usually cause further problems if they're treated promptly, but about one in five cases are more serious and carry a higher risk of complications.
These can include:
It's also likely the infection will return at some point. Most people will experience more than one infection, with about one in five having a recurrence within a year.
Find out about eye infections caused by the herpes simplex virus, including what the symptoms are, where to get help and what the treatments are.
Symptoms of a herpes simplex eye infection can include: a red eye eye pain swelling around the eye sensitivity to bright light a watering eye blurred vision Usually only one eye is affect
Get medical help as soon as possible if you have the symptoms above. They could be caused by a herpes simplex infection or another eye condition that requires rapid treatment. If it's not treated, th
Most herpes simplex eye infections get better in a week or two, although they can last longer. Treatment is usually needed to reduce the risk of complications . The main treatments are: antiviral e
Herpes simplex eye infectionsusually occur when a previous infection with the virus reactivates and spreads to the eye. Nearly everyone isexposed to theherpes simplex virus during childhood. Most peo
Herpes simplex eye infections don't usually cause further problems if they're treated promptly, but about one in five cases are more serious and carry a higher risk of complications. These can includ