Living with Gilbert's syndrome

Gilberts syndrome is a lifelong disorder. However, it doesn't require treatment because it doesn't pose athreat to health and doesn't cause complications or an increased risk of liver disease.

Episodes of jaundice and any associated symptoms are usually short-lived and eventually pass.

If you have Gilbert's syndrome, there's no reason to modify your diet or the amount of exercise you do, and the recommendations about eating a healthy, balanced diet and the physical activity guidelines still apply.

However, you may find it useful to avoid the things you know trigger episodes of jaundice, such as dehydration and stress.

If you haveGilbert's syndrome, the problem with your liver may also mean you're at risk of developing jaundice or otherside effects after taking certain medications. Therefore, seek medical advice before taking any new medication and make sure you mention to any doctors treating you for the first time that you have the syndrome.

Medications that shouldn't be taken if you have Gilbert's syndrome, unless advised by a doctor, include some types of HIV medication, some types of medication for high cholesterol ,and some chemotherapy medications.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018