
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing or listening problem caused by the brain not processing sounds in the normal way.

It canaffect your ability to:

  • pinpointwhere asound is coming from
  • tell which sound comes before another
  • distinguish similar sounds from one another such as"seventy" and "seventeen"
  • understand speech particularlyifthere's background noise, more than one person speaking, the person is speaking quickly, or the sound quality is poor
  • remember instructions you've been told
  • enjoy music

Children with the problem may also have difficultyresponding to sounds, understanding things they're told, concentrating, and expressing themselves with speech. Theirreading and spelling may also be affected.

Many people find the condition becomesless ofan issueover time as they develop the skills to deal with it. Children may need extra help and support at school, but they can be just as successful as their classmates.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 13 Jun 2016