The best way to avoid catching rubella is to be immunised with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
TheMMR vaccine is part of the routine childhood immunisation programme.The firstdose is given to a child when they're one year old, with asecond booster dose given before the start of school, at3 years and4 months.
Contact your GP if you're uncertain whether your child's vaccinations are up-to-date. It's possible to have the MMR vaccination at any age.
If you suspect your immunisation isn't up-to-date and you're at risk of catching mumps, measles or rubella, your GP may recommend the MMR vaccine. For example, this may be necessary if there's an outbreak of measles or you're a woman planning to get pregnant.
If you're already immunised, having the MMR vaccine again won't cause you any harm.
It's a good idea to check that you're fully protected against rubella if you're planning to have a baby.
If you're not sure whetheryou've had two doses of the MMR vaccine, you can get your GP practice to check your vaccination history.If your records show you haven't had both doses or there is no record, askto havethe vaccinations.
BecauseMMR vaccination could cause a risk to your baby in pregnancy, you should avoid becoming pregnant for one month after havingit.This meansyou'll need a reliable method of contraception.
You can't have the MMR vaccine when you're pregnantas it could pose a risk for your baby.
If you're currently pregnant and have not had, or don't know if you've had, two doses of MMR, ask your GP practice to check your records.
If you haven't had two doses of the MMR vaccine or there's no record available, you should ask for the vaccine when you go for your six-week postnatal check-up after your baby is born.
Someone who has the rubella virus is infectious for one week before symptoms appear and around four days after the rash first develops.
If you or your child have rubella, youshouldlimit the risk of infecting other peoplebystaying off work or school forfour days after you develop the rash.
You should also try to avoid contact with pregnant women for at leastfour days from the start of the rash.
Rubella (german measles) is a viral infection that's now rare in the UK. It's usually a mild condition.
The symptoms of rubella usually take two to three weeks to develop after infection. This time is called the incubation period.
If you suspect rubella, phone your GP surgery or NHS 111 straight away for advice.
There's no specific treatment for rubella. The condition is usually mild and improves without treatment within 7 to 10 days.
Serious complications of rubella are very rare, particularly since the MMR vaccine was introduced.
The best way to avoid catching rubella is to be immunised with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.