Screeningfor retinoblastoma

If you're expecting a baby and you had retinoblastoma yourself as a child, or you have a family history of retinoblastoma, it's important to tell your GP or midwife.

This is because in some cases retinoblastoma is an inherited condition and babies considered at increased risk of developing itmay be offered screening after the birth.

Your GP will be able to refer you to a specialist centre so the appropriate tests can be arranged when your baby is born. Your children's risk will depend on the type of retinoblastoma you or your relative had.

The aim of screening isto identifytumours as early as possible so that treatment can be started straight away.

Children under five years of age are usually screened by having their eyes examined while under general anaesthetic. This will be carried out at one of the UK's two specialist retinoblastoma centres(The Royal London Hospital or Birmingham Children's Hospital).

Your child will need to be screened frequently up until they'refive years old.

Does my child need screening?

The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) says that your child may need to be screened if:

  • you or your partner has hadretinoblastoma and you're expecting a baby or you've recently had a baby
  • you or your partner has had retinoblastoma and you have a child under five years of age who hasn't been checked
  • you have a child who's been diagnosed with retinoblastoma and you're expecting a baby, or you have other children under five who haven't been checked
  • your parent (or brother or sister) had retinoblastoma and you have a child under five who hasn't been checked
Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018