Retinal migraine
If your eyesight suddenly deteriorates, make an emergency appointment to see anoptician trained to recognise eye abnormalities and signs of eye disease(optometrist),your GP, or call NHS 111 .
Use our directory to find opticians or find GP services .
It's important to see an optometrist or medical doctor urgently if you suddenly lose your eyesight, particularly if it occurs for the first time. There are other more serious causes of sight loss that doctors will want to rule out.
Read about a retinal migraine (ocular migraine), an eye condition that causes brief episodes of blindness or visual problems like flashing lights in one eye.
The symptoms of retinal migraine may include: partial or total loss of vision in one eye this usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes before vision gradually returns headache this may happen before, durin
If your eyesight suddenly deteriorates, make an emergency appointment to see anoptician trained to recognise eye abnormalities and signs of eye disease(optometrist),your GP, or call NHS 111 . Use our
If you manage to see a GP or optometrist during an attack, they may be able to see the decreased bloodflow to your eye using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope. In this case the GP or optometrist
Retinal migraine is caused by the blood vessels to the eye suddenly narrowing (constricting), reducing the bloodflow to the eye. It may be triggered by : stress smoking high blood pressure ho
Treatment for retinal migraine usually just involves taking pain relief for any headaches and reducing exposure to anything that might be triggering the retinal migraine. Your doctor may sometimes pr
There's a small risk that the reduced bloodflow may damagethethin layer at the back of the eye (the retina) and theblood vessels of the eye. This will be monitored in yourfollow-up appointments. Perma