Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid)
Often, no cause can be found for polyhydramnios. However, it can be associated with any of the following:
Polyhydramnios is a common complication of pregnancy, where there's an excessive amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the unborn baby (foetus).
In most women with polyhydramnios, the excess fluid builds up slowly. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, this excess fluid should be noticeable and picked up by your GP, midwife or obstetrician during one o
In most women with polyhydramnios, the excess fluid builds up slowly. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, this excess fluid should be noticeable and picked up by your GP, midwife or obstetrician during one o
Often, no cause can be found for polyhydramnios. However, it can be associated with any of the following: The mother carrying twins (read about giving birth to twins ). The mother having diabete
Often, no cause can be found for polyhydramnios. However, it can be associated with any of the following: The mother carrying twins (read about giving birth to twins ). The mother having diabete
Havingpolyhydramnios means there's a slightly higher risk of your unborn babyhaving abirth defect, especially if the fluid build-up is severe. You should discuss with your healthcare professionals any
Havingpolyhydramnios means there's a slightly higher risk of your unborn babyhaving abirth defect, especially if the fluid build-up is severe. You should discuss with your healthcare professionals any
Most women with polyhydramnios need an ultrasound investigation and a glucose tolerance test, to try to identify a cause and check for Gestational diabetes . If your condition isn't severe, this can
Most women with polyhydramnios need an ultrasound investigation and a glucose tolerance test, to try to identify a cause and check for Gestational diabetes . If your condition isn't severe, this can