Damage to the menisci or cartilage

Sitting between the upper and lower leg bones at the knee joint are rubbery pads of tissue called menisci. These cushion the bones, acting as shock absorbers.

A meniscus can also be torn after suddenly twisting the knee joint, resulting in pain, swelling and occasionally locking of the knee. Rarely, the torn meniscus can flip into the joint and prevent you from straightening it.

A meniscus can also be torn after suddenly twisting the knee joint, resulting in pain, swelling and occasionally locking of the knee.

The cartilage covering the bones of the knee joint can also be damaged by injury (read more about cartilage damage ).

These symptoms may settle down with rest, although physiotherapy can sometimes help, and in the case of menisci damage, an operation may be needed to remove orrepair the torn pad of tissue.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dec 2018