"The sharp increase in the use of e-cigarettes has not led more British children to take up cigarettes or regard smoking as normal," The Guardian reports.
‘Children's ball pit play areas contain dozens of killer germs,’ reports the Mail Online. Ball pits, a popular form of play for children, are sometimes used ...
New parents face up to six years of sleep deprivation. In a new study, researchers carried out annual interviews with 4,659 people who had a child during the 8-year study period.
"Letting a toddler spend lots of time using screens may delay their development of skills such as language and sociability," BBC News reports
'Banning sweets, chocolate and crisps at supermarket checkouts appears to stop unhealthy impulse buying by shoppers, a large UK study suggests' BBC News reports
'Chemicals found in perfume, hand creams and body lotion may make girls go through puberty months early' the Mail Online reports
"Family meals really do improve teenagers' diets and put them on a path to healthy eating in later life – even if home life is dysfunctional," reports the Mail Online
'Nine in 10 operations to remove children's tonsils 'unnecessary'' The Guardian reports
"Health risk to babies of men over 45, major study warns," The Daily Telegraph reports.