"Could a nose spray prevent chlamydia?" asks the Daily Mail, one of several media outlets reporting on promising research to develop a vaccine for the sexually transmitted disease (STI)...
News stories have extensively covered the possibility of a vaccine that could offer “new hope in the war on meningitis”. The Daily Mail said that the “first vaccine against deadly meningitis B will...
"Mothers who breastfeed may have a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease in later life," The Independent advises. The news comes from research that suggests that the biological processes that occur during breastfeeding may have a protective...
"Children who use inhalable steroids for asthma grow slower than their peers in the first year of taking the medication," The Guardian reports. The effect found by researchers was small, on average a reduction of half a centimetre per year…
“Living in a neighbourhood with noisy road traffic may…increase the risk of stroke,” The Guardian reports. Researchers looked at noise levels across London and found a link...
“Viewing porn shrinks the brain,” reports the Daily Mail. In a small study, MRI scans found that men who watched the most pornography had less grey matter – complex brain tissue – compared to men who watched the least…
The announcement of a new meningitis vaccine has been widely reported in the papers, with the Daily Star claiming it could soon save thousands of lives in the UK. The Daily Mail predicts it will "soon be offered to all babies" to protect against...
'Should you be taking vitamin B to protect against Alzheimer's?,' asks the Daily Mail. Its question is prompted by new research into whether a daily dose of vitamin B could reduce the loss of brain tissue in people with mild cognitive impairment…
"Exercise is the best medicine to banish back pain and stop people taking sick days," reports the Daily Mirror. While this may be true, the research in question did not look at treatments for existing back pain…