“Having a massage is no better at beating stress than home relaxation techniques like breathing deeply and listening to soothing music,” reports The Daily Telegraph.
"Stop blaming SAD for your bad mood - it doesn't exist! Seasonal changes have 'NO effect on depression'," the Daily Mail reports. A new study found no significant association between lack of sunshine and reported symptoms of depression…
"Over-the-counter magnesium tablets significantly improve depression in just two weeks, new research reveals," the Mail Online reports. A small study found that people taking the supplements – on top of their existing treatment…
"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy may be as good as pills at stopping people relapsing after recovering from major bouts of depression," The Guardian reports…
Bad news stories alter the way women respond to stress, BBC News has reported. The news is based on a small study that found that women who read "bad news" produced more of the stress hormone cortisol than women...