“Scientists have identified the gene that keeps females female,” according to The Times. The newspaper says new research has found that the action of a single gene may be all that stops...
A “single genetic mutation can double your risk of stroke”, the Daily Mail has reported. The newspaper added that scientists hope the discovery could lead to tailored treatments for the condition. The news...
A new discovery could lead to infertility and menopause being treated using stem cells, according to news reports. We explain the research behind the headlines...
"Smoking in pregnancy hurts your grandkids by 'increasing their risk of autism'," The Sun brashly reports. Researchers looked at data spanning multiple generations and reported a link between girls with autism…
"Pain 'dimmer switch' discovered by UK scientists," reports BBC News. This headline comes from a DNA study that looked at whether pain tolerance is linked to "gene expression". Gene expression means the influence that the "information"…
Despite popular belief, antioxidants could be doing more harm to health than good reported the Daily Mail. Antioxidants are thought to be beneficial as they neutralise
The Daily Mail has today reported that scientists have identified “a mutant gene that almost trebles the chances of a child being hyperactive”. The newspaper says that the discovery paves the...
Zebrafish, which have the ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in their own eyes, could help find a cure for blindness, the Daily Mail and other newspapers
"Is your inability to breastfeed written in your genes?" the Mail Online asks. The question is prompted by animal research that discovered that a genetic mutation in a protein called ZnT2 that may restrict milk production after pregnancy…