'A new study has revealed that people who drink sugary drinks like Coca-Cola everyday could be more at risk of dying young from heart disease and cancer' the Daily Mirror reports
"Study links heavily processed foods to risk of earlier death," reports The Guardian. Researchers reported that middle-aged French people who ...
'Adding more fruit and veg to your diet boosts your mood and emotional wellbeing' the Mail Online reports
"Is the trendy Keto diet bad for you?" asks the Mail Online. The headline refers to the increasingly popular ketogenic diet.
'No evidence of sugar substitutes' health benefits, finds study' The Guardian reports
"Regular weighing at home and simple tips to curb excess eating and drinking can prevent people from piling on the pounds at Christmas," reports ITV News. Researchers say most people put on ...
"'Meat tax' which would almost double price of sausages should be brought in to save lives, say health experts," reports The Daily Telegraph.
"Drinking at least 4 cups a day could slash your risk of rosacea by 20%," reports the Mail Online.
'Eating a Mediterranean diet may help prevent depression, research suggests' BBC News reports