Treating Reye's syndrome

If Reye's syndrome is diagnosed, your child will need to be immediately admitted to an intensive care unit.

Treatment aims to minimise the symptoms and supportthe body's vital functions, such as breathing and blood circulation.

It's also essential to protect the brain against permanent damage that can be caused bythe brain swelling.

Medicines may be given directly into a vein (intravenously), such as:

  • electrolytesand fluids to correctthe level of salts, minerals and nutrients, such as glucose (sugar), in the blood
  • diuretics medications to help rid the body of excess fluid and reduce swelling in the brain
  • ammonia detoxicants medications to reduce the level of ammonia
  • anticonvulsants medications to control seizures

A ventilator (breathing machine) may be used if your child needs help with breathing.

Vital bodyfunctions will also be monitored, including the heart rate and pulse, the air flow to their lungs, blood pressure and body temperature.

Once the swelling in the brain has reduced, the other functions of the body should return to normal within a few days, although it may be several weeks before your child is well enough to leave hospital.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018