Reflux in babies
Reflux isn't usually a cause for concern and you don't normally need to get medical advice if your baby seems otherwise happy and healthy, and is gaining weight appropriately .
But contact your midwife, health visitoror GPif reflux starts after six months of age, continues beyond one year, or your baby has any of the following problems:
These can be signs of an underlying cause and may mean your baby needs tests and treatment .
Find out about reflux, where a baby brings up milk during or soon after a feed.
Signs that your baby may have reflux include: spitting up milk during or after feeds this may happen several times a day feeding difficulties such as refusing feeds, gagging or choking persistent
Reflux isn't usually a cause for concern and you don't normally need to get medical advice if your baby seems otherwise happy and healthy, and is gaining weight appropriately . But contact your midwi
It's normal for some babies to have reflux. It usually justoccurs because a baby's food pipe (oesophagus) is still developing. Itnormally stopsby the time a baby is a year old, when the ring of muscl
Most babies with reflux don't need any tests. It can usually be diagnosed based on your baby's symptoms. In rare cases, the following tests may be recommended if your baby's reflux is severe or persi
Reflux doesn't usually require treatment if your baby is putting on weight and seems otherwise well. The following treatments and advice may beoffered if your baby appears to be in distress or their