Speakto your health visitor or GP if you're concerned about the shape of your baby's head or think they may have problems turning their head. Theycan examine your baby's head and suggest things you can do to help.
A slightly flattened head isn't usually anything to worry about, but it's a good idea to get advice early on so you can take steps to stop it getting any worse.
Read about why some babies develop a slightly flattened head, what can be done about it, and how long it will take to improve.
The skull consists of plates of bone that strengthen and join together as a child gets older. A young baby'sskull is still relatively soft and can change shape if there's constant pressure ona partic
Speakto your health visitor or GP if you're concerned about the shape of your baby's head or think they may have problems turning their head. Theycan examine your baby's head and suggest things you ca
The shape of your baby's head should improve naturally over time as their skull develops and they start moving their head, rolling around, and crawling. Simple measures to take pressure off the flatt