Guillain-Barré syndrome
Most people eventually make a full recovery fromGuillain-Barr syndrome, but this can take a long time and some people have long-term problems.
The time it takes to recover can vary from a few weeks to a few months, or sometimes several years.
The vast majority of people recover within a year.
A few people may have symptoms again years later but this is rare.
These caninclude:
Specialised services are available to help you recover and adapt to any long-term problems.
Thismay involve support from:
Yourhealth and care needs will be assessed and anindividual care plan drawn up to meetthose needs. Thisshouldinvolve a discussion with you and anyone likely to be involved in your care.
See the care and support section for information and advice about caring for someone, including sections that may be useful if you're new to caring.
If you have Guillain-Barr syndrome, or you're caring for someone who has, you may find it useful to get in touch with a support group.
The main UK-based support group is GAIN (Guillain-Barr & Associated Inflammatory Neuropathies) . You can visit their website for information or contact their helpline on0800 374803.
You can also ask the healthcare professionals caring for you about support groups in your area.
Find out about Guillain-Barr syndrome, including what the symptoms are, why it happens and how it's treated.
Find out about the main symptoms of Guillain-Barr syndrome and when to get medical advice.
Find out what happens in Guillain-Barr syndrome and what can trigger it.
Find out about the tests that may need to be done to diagnose Guillain-Barr syndrome.
Find out about the main treatments for Guillain-Barr syndrome.
Find out about recovering from Guillain-Barr syndrome, including what problems can occur and what support may be needed.