There are ways you canreduce your risk of having a fall, including making simple changesto your home and doing exercises to improve your strength and balance.
If you've fallen in the past,making changesto reduce yourchances of having a fallcan also help you overcome any fear of falling.
Some older people may be reluctant to seek help and advice from their GP and other support servicesabout preventing falls, because they believe their concerns won't be taken seriously. However, all healthcare professionals takefalls in older people very seriously because of the significant impactthey can have on a person's health.
Discussany falls you've had with your GPand say ifit's had any impact on your health and wellbeing.Your GPcan carry out some simple balancetests to check whether you're at anincreased risk of falling in the future. They can also refer youtouseful services in your local area.
Tipsfor preventing falls in the homeinclude:
Doing regular strength exercises and balance exercises can improve your strength and balance, and reduce your risk of having a fall. This can take the form of simple activitiessuch as walking and dancing , or specialist training programmes.
Many community centres and local gyms offer specialist training programmes for older people. Exercises that can be carried out at home are also available.Ask your GP about training programmes in your area.
It's important that a strength and balance training programme is tailored to the individual and monitored by an appropriately trained professional.
There's also evidence that taking part in regular tai chi sessions can reduce the risk of falls. Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that places particular emphasis on balance, co-ordination and movement.
Unlike other martial arts, tai chi doesn't involve physical contact or rapid physical movements, making it an ideal activity for older people.
It's particularly important that your medicines are reviewed if you're taking four or more medicines a day.
Your GP may recommend alternative medication or lower doses if they feeltheside effects increase your chances ofhaving a fall. In some cases, it may be possible for the medication to be stopped.
See your GP or practice nurse if you haven't had your medicines reviewed for more than a year, or if you're concerned that the medications you or a relativeare taking may increasethe risk of falling.
You shouldmake an appointment to have a Visual impairment if you're concerned that poor vision (even whenwearing glasses)is increasing your risk of having a fall.
Find an optician near you .
Not all visual problems can be treated. However, some problems, such as cataracts ,can be surgically removed using cataract surgery .
You can request a home hazard assessment if you're concerned that you or a relative may be at risk of having a fall, or if you know someone who has recently had a fall.
As well as identifying potential hazards, the aim of a home hazard assessment is to explore how a person's actual use of the environment affects their risk of falling.
A healthcare professional with experience in fall prevention will visit you or your relative's home to identify potential hazards and advise on how to deal with them.
For example, as the bathroom is a common place where falls occur, many older people can benefit from having bars fitted to the inside of their bath to make it easier for them to get in and out.
Fitting a personal alarm system may also be recommended, so that you or your relative can signal for help in the event of a fall. An alternative would be to keep a mobile phone within reach, so it's possible to phone for help after having a fall.
Contact your GP or local authority to ask about the help available in your local area. You can find your local authority on the GOV.UK website .
Drinking alcohol can lead to loss of co-ordination and exaggerate the effects of some medicines. This can significantly increase the risk of afall, particularly in older people.
Avoiding alcohol or reducing the amount you drink can reduce your risk of having a fall. Excessive drinking can also contribute to the development of osteoporosis .
Anyone can have a fall, but older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition.
There are ways you can reduce your risk of having a fall, including making simple changes to your home and doing exercises to improve your strength and balance.