To treat the pain, you can use painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen , which you can buy over the counter.Children under the age of16shouldn't take aspirin.
Placing a warm flannel against the affected ear may also help relieve the pain.
Your pharmacist may be able to recommend over-the-counter eardrops for your earache. Tell them about your symptoms and ask for their advice first.
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Eardrops or olive oil drops shouldn't be used if your eardrum has burst (a perforated eardrum ), andin treating an ear infection.
It's important to avoid getting the affected ear wet if you have an ear infection.
Find out about earache, which is a common problem in children, including when to seek medical advice, how to treat earache at home, plus the common causes.
It's not always necessary to see your GP if you or your child have earache. The pain will often improve in a few days and there are things you can do to help in the meantime (see below). You should c
To treat the pain, you can use painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen , which you can buy over the counter.Children under the age of16shouldn't take aspirin. Placing a warm flannel against th
Ear infections If an ear infection is causing your earache, there may be a watery or pus-like fluid coming out of your ear. Outer ear infections (infectionsof the tube connecting the outer ear and